Wednesday, April 26, 2017


I was at the local dollar store and saw a pregnancy test at the check out and laughed. Person behind me was offended because she has used them "a lot" and they "work just fine"...Might want to re-think your choices if you are relying on the dollar store for pregnancy tests or birth control...just saying...

Tuesday, March 7, 2017


Happy Birthday Skylar Zaborac! At this time 14 years ago I was in active labor, after 7 months of doctors telling me to be prepared for you to be still born or not survive long after birth. Just after 11:00 am my 7 lb 4 oz, 20 inch long miracle came into this world and proved them wrong! You were worth every minute of those 7 months of bed rest and I am so thankful that my boys are fighters! (you and your brother could give the fighting a rest from time to time though)

First Picture after getting cleaned up and given a clean bill of health by Dr. Grubb.

First visitor on the day we got home from the hospital, cousin Nick

Always quick to smile

First trip to the ocean

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Sky turns 14...

Sky had his party at Game Freaks and had lots of fun.  They guys there do a great job!
I can't believe how big these guys are getting!  I have known some of them since 3rd and 4th grade and now they are all 7th and 8th graders!  A great bunch of kids!

Another beautiful day...

It happens so rare but snow on the farm looks so pretty and reminds me of home!

Thursday, March 2, 2017

I'm so blue...

disclaimer: I have never claimed to be a great mom...

When I was 30 I had no plans of being married and having kids, I was building a life and career and life was good.

Then I met Shane and he turned my whole world upside down!

So when Sky started Middle School I wanted to give him incentive to get good grades so I offered a cash award. $10 for each A, $5 for each B, nothing for each C, -$5 for each D and if even one F no money for anything. Now with both boys in middle school this is biting me in the butt each term! Thankful for my amazing smart boys though.
This term Brady asked if he could dye his hair with his grade money...I said OK. So here is my blue haired baby boy. Included a pic of him before and with blond hair which I thought was very cute...

before:  beautiful brown hair

during:  WOW, he looks cute as a blond

after:  blue haired baby

Thursday, February 9, 2017

The tide is high but I'm holding on...

Bernard Creek has flooded, the back yard is under water and high tide is almost an hour away!
Thank heavens the rain has stopped!  Shane thinks we should invest in ducks instead of chickens!

Saturday, January 14, 2017

My sister...

My sister is the best sister in the whole world! She has tried to teach me to look on the bright side of things. She has fought breast cancer with great strength. I have heard God only gives you as much as you can handle, he must think Pam is Wonder Woman...